Defenderoftexel Wiki

Special Dungeon, The Three Tribes[]

Immediately following Event 1, this new special temporary dungeon appeared. This one being 3 temporary timed areas each sporting one of the three tribes of the game. As well as some new fighters that you can acquire through new Doxites and Rexites, which are new pixites added for this event. A little more info on this event can be found below, this event is called The Three Tribes.

Here are the times for the 3 areas.

1755 427284867342873 1854113796 n

Here are the new crystals that can be earned through these special areas.

IMG 8176

Here are all the fighters I have acquired so far that are new from these crystals. Obviously there are alot more, I just havent uploaded them all, If you have any other new fighters from this special dungeon, please post them here, I will also be updating it as i gain more myself.

IMG 7255
IMG 4065
IMG 8743
IMG 4188
IMG 4828
IMG 8665
IMG 3801
IMG 4251
IMG 1339
Nin-Marki lvl15 SEF0