Defenderoftexel Wiki

RoS banner

Mob Raid Event

Apr. 2nd - Apr. 8th


RoS story

Upon entering the first event area, Gloom Lake, Zar has this to say:

"Gloom Lake is... an odd place. Break down here, and your dots may never mend.
But those who do mend acquire a terrifying skill. They'd make strong allies..."

On entering Area 17, the second event area:

"Look alive, this is their front door. The exos will try to divide and conquer.
Mob up with other defenders, and rush the enemy! Unite and compete!"

Entering the last area, Dreamland:

"This is it: the construction plant for their mega-exos.
No option is too extreme. Did you levy the paragon from Gloom Lake? Let's go!"

At the end of the event, Zar says:

"The fearless are to be feared. We'll need these warriors from Gloom again..."


RoS map
Mobraid info

This event is a MOB RAID event. Each day, players join a MOB (a team of 20-25 players) and compete against another MOB. Players earn points by defeating RAID BOSSES that appear while traveling in the event area. Raid bosses are typically hard to defeat by any one player, and players from both teams can join in defeating the boss. Upon defeating a boss, players get awarded prizes for top 3 MVP spots, as well as prizes for "clinching" (finishing) the boss, a prize if your mob dealt more damage, and a raid prize simply for participating.

At the end of twelve-hour period, whichever mob camp has the most points receives a "primacy" prize and the loser camp receives a "consolation" prize. The top three MVPs on both teams also receive their own MVP prizes irrespective of whether their mob won or lost.

Event Units[]

Certain fighters receive HERO EDGE throughout the event area and against raid bosses. They are the following:

RoS heroes

This event also introduces a new PARAGON. Paragons are extraordinary fighters which have 1000% EDGE during the event. They can be gotten through step up tier builds.

RoS heroes2

The following is a list of all units introduced in this event:
Grassbat - Cloudcarver - Verdalance (Points Reward) [x]
Heartshorn - Everclove - Highsaddle (Points Reward) [x]
Venel - Spurie - Thocero (Mob Raid Reward) [x]
Allamu - Nin-Muk - Enheduana (Mob Raid Reward) [x]
Cit - Gudea - Izdubar (Paragon/Hero Fighter)
Agu - Ilgi - Namtar (Rank Reward) [x]

Rank Rewards[]

In addition to points prizes and mob raid prizes, there was also a week-long leaderboard. Players received Namtar, Ilgi, or Agu along with Voxite or Pixite, aja leaves, and texi.

The following crowns were awarded:
Goldcrown Rank 1-50
Silvercrown Rank 51-500
Bronzecrown Rank 501-5000

Event Achievements[]

Name Description Reward
Self-Fuse Heartshorn 1 Time! Fuse together 2 Heartshorns! From "FUSE," pick another identical fighter. 1x Pixite
Evolve Heartshorn! Metamorphose Heartshorn into another Fighter! Self-fuse to the SEF limit. 1x Voxite
Self-Fuse Grassbat 1 Time! Fuse together 2 Grassbats! From "FUSE," pick another identical fighter. 1x Pixite
Evolve Grassbat! Metamorphose Grassbat into another Fighter! Self-fuse to the SEF limit. 1x Voxite
Self-Fuse Agu 1 Time! Fuse together 2 Agus! From "FUSE," pick another identical fighter. 1x Pixite
Evolve Agu! Metamorphose Agu into another Fighter! Self-fuse to the SEF limit. 1x Voxite
Self-Fuse Venel 1 Time! Fuse together 2 Venels! From "FUSE," pick another identical fighter. 1x Pixite
Evolve Venel! Metamorphose Venel into another Fighter! Self-fuse to the SEF limit. 1x Voxite
Self-Fuse Allamu 1 Time! Fuse together 2 Allamus! From "FUSE," pick another identical fighter. 1x Pixite
Evolve Allamu! Metamorphose Allamu into another Fighter! Self-fuse to the SEF limit. 1x Voxite

Event Builds[]

During this event these were the special premium builds offered:

Type Name Bonus Available Fighters
Tier Build Meet the Paragon Banunu Feverhang - Vermilitas, Neith - Tauthe, Caile - Vulca, Hillalum - Labashi, Cloudcarver - Verdalance, Everclove - Highsaddle, Spurie - Thocero, Nin-Muk - Enheduana, Gudea - Izdubar

The following builds were modified for this event:

Type Added Fighters
Pixite Build Greenfright - Feverhang - Vermilitas, Mylitta - Neith - Tauthe, Arte - Caile - Vulca, Ar'siuqqa - Hillalum - Labashi, Grassbat - Cloudcarver - Verdalance, Heartshorn - Everclove - Highsaddle, Venel - Spurie - Thocero, Allamu - Nin-Muk - Enheduana, Cit - Gudea - Izdubar
Voxite Build Greenfright - Feverhang - Vermilitas, Mylitta - Neith - Tauthe, Arte - Caile - Vulca, Ar'siuqqa - Hillalum - Labashi, Grassbat - Cloudcarver - Verdalance, Heartshorn - Everclove - Highsaddle, Venel - Spurie - Thocero, Allamu - Nin-Muk - Enheduana, Cit - Gudea - Izdubar