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Elemental Dungeon Event

Jan. 16th - Jan. 23th


Signs & Seals

The event consists of a series of three special event dungeons -- Flashvault (lightning), Blazegate (fire), and Riverfort (water). Each dungeon has three levels of difficulty, and only one dungeon is open a day, except for the last day, when all three are open at the same time.


As in other Special Dungeon events, two new builds become available. These are Doxite (which is similar to Pixite, but contains some of the new fighters) and Similiths (which will allow you to reincarnate the same fighter it dropped from).

Event Units[]

Fighters receive a SIGN EDGE when they come from the same tribe lightning, fire, or water) as the current cave. There are also new fighters that receive an automatic HERO EDGE throughout the whole event (note that if the fighters' tribe matches the day's dungeon, the edges stack!).

The following is a list of all units introduced in this event:

Turntail - Twinlance - Ambarender (Rank Reward)
Anatu - Alittum - Attii'kusu (Rank Reward)
Alda - Aldwi - Iudith (Rank Reward)

Rank Rewards[]

The leaderboard resets daily. Players received fighters based on which dungeon was open that day.

1/16, 1/19: Flashvault: fighters from either the ? line or the Ambarender line
1/17, 1/20: Blazegate: fighters from either the ? line or the Attii'kusu line
1/18, 1/21: Riverfort: fighters from either the ? line or the Iudith line
1/22: All dungeons: ?

Players also received Doxite, Aja Leaves, and texi as part of their reward.

Name Description Reward
Self-Fuse Turntail 1 Time! Fuse together 2 Turntail! From "FUSE,' pick another, identical fighter. x1 Doxite
Evolve Turntail! Metamorphose Turntail into another fighter! Self-Fuse to the SEF limit. x5 Doxite
Self-Fuse Anatu 1 Time! Fuse together 2 Anatu! From "FUSE,' pick another, identical fighter. x1 Doxite
Evolve Anatu! Metamorphose Anatu into another fighter! Self-Fuse to the SEF limit. x5 Doxite
Self-Fuse Alda 1 Time! Fuse together 2 Alda! From "FUSE,' pick another, identical fighter. x1 Doxite
Evolve Alda! Metamorphose Alda into another fighter! Self-Fuse to the SEF limit. x5 Doxite